npm install squiss-ts
High-volume Amazon SQS Poller and single-queue client for Node.js 16 and up with full typescript support
The library is production ready and is being stress used in a full-blown production environment
Main features
Quick example
import {Squiss, Message} from 'squiss-ts';
const awsConfig = {
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
secretAccessKey: 'secretAccessKey',
region: '<region>',
const squiss = new Squiss({
queueName: 'my-sqs-queue',
bodyFormat: 'json',
maxInFlight: 15
squiss.on('message', (message: Message) => {
console.log(`${message.body.name} says: ${JSON.stringify(message.body.message)} and has attripute p1 with value ${message.attributes.p1}`);
const messageToSend = {
name: 'messageName',
message: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
const propsToSend = {
p1: 1,
p2: 2,
squiss.sendMessage(messageToSend, 0, propsToSend);
- Control how many messages can be handled at any given point
- Efficiently auto pull new messages when concurrency is not fully utilized
- Easy message lifecycle management
- Options to auto renew messages visibility timeout for long message processing
- Option to automatically gzip incoming and outgoing messages (based on message size) to decrease message sizes and save SQS costs
- Option to auto upload large messages to s3 and retrieve the message from s3 upon receive, in order to decrease message size, save SQS costs and be able to send messages bigger than SQS message size limit
- Full typescript support
How it works
Squiss processes as many messages simultaneously as possible.
Set the maxInFlight option to the number of messages your app can handle at one time without choking, and Squiss will keep
that many messages flowing through your app, grabbing more as you mark each message as handled or ready for deletion.
If the queue is empty, Squiss will maintain an open connection to SQS, waiting for any messages that appear in real time.
Squiss can also handle renewing the visibility timeout for your messages until you handle the message, or message handling time
(set up by you) has passed (see autoExtendTimeout).
Bonus: Squiss will also automatically handle the message attributes formatting and parsing when receiving and sending messages.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning
Current version
Squiss Class
import {Squiss} from 'squiss-ts';
const awsConfig = {
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
secretAccessKey: 'secretAccessKey',
region: '<region>',
const squiss = new Squiss({
queueName: 'my-sqs-queue',
bodyFormat: 'json',
maxInFlight: 15
Queue message poller (EventEmitter
Property | Type | Description |
inFlight |
number | The number of messages currently in flight |
running |
boolean | Whether Squiss is currently polling or not |
sqs |
SQS | The SQS model used |
Constructor Options
Aws Options
const awsConfig = {
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
secretAccessKey: 'secretAccessKey',
region: '<region>',
An object mapping to pass to the SQS constructor, configuring the @aws-sdk/client-sqs
This is commonly used to set the AWS region, endpoint, or the user credentials.
See the docs on configuring client-sqs for details.
Type | SQS.Types.ClientConfiguration |
Mandatory | False |
An instance of the official SQS Client, or an SQS constructor function to use rather than the
default one provided by @aws-sdk/client-sqs
Type | AWS.SQS | Object typeof AWS.SQS |
Mandatory | False |
Default | AWS.SQS |
An instance of the official S3 Client, or an S3 constructor function to use rather than the
default one provided by @aws-sdk/client-s3
Type | AWS.S3 | Object typeof AWS.S3 |
Mandatory | False |
Default | AWS.S3 |
Queue Options
The name of the queue to be polled.
Type | string |
Mandatory | True if queueUrl is not specified |
The URL of the queue to be polled.
Type | string |
Mandatory | True if queueName is not specified |
If queueName is specified, the accountNumber
of the
queue owner can optionally be specified to access a queue in a different AWS account.
Type | string | number |
Mandatory | False |
Changes the protocol, host, and port of the queue URL to match the configured SQS endpoint (see awsConfig),
applicable only if queueName is specified.
This can be useful for testing against a local SQS service, such as ElasticMQ.
Type | boolean |
Mandatory | False |
Default | false |
The amount of time, in seconds, that received messages will be unavailable to other squiss instances without being deleted.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | queue setting on read, or 30 seconds for createQueue() |
Auto Extend Options
Squiss can automatically extend each message's VisibilityTimeout
in the SQS queue until
it's handled (by keeping, deleting, or releasing it).
It will place the API call to extend the timeout advancedCallMs milliseconds in advance of the expiration,
and will extend it by the number of seconds specified in visibilityTimeoutSecs.
If visibilityTimeoutSecs is not specified, the VisibilityTimeout
setting on the queue itself will be used.
Enable the message auto extend feature
Type | boolean |
Mandatory | False |
Default | false |
If autoExtendTimeout is used, Squiss will
stop auto-renewing a message's VisibilityTimeout
when it reaches this age. Default is 12 hours - SQS's VisbilityTimeout
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 43200 |
If autoExtendTimeout is used, this is the number
of milliseconds that Squiss will make the call to extend the VisibilityTimeout
of the message, before the message is set to expire.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 5000 |
Gzip Options
You can gzip the messages, which will reduce the message size, thus enabling you to send large messages,
and also reduce the cost of those message.
You can optionally gzip only if a min message size criteria is met (minGzipSize), to reduce compute overhead.
Auto gzip messages to reduce message size.
Type | boolean |
Mandatory | False |
Default | false |
The min message size to gzip (in bytes) when gzip is set to true
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 0 |
S3 Options
const s3Options = {
s3Fallback: true,
s3Bucket: 'squiss-bucket',
s3Retain: false,
s3Prefix: `${queueName}`,
minS3Size: 64000,
you can upload the messages body to S3 and replace the message with just the reference to the created blob.
This will reduce the message size, thus enabling you to send large messages,
and also reduce the cost of those messages.
Upload messages bigger than minS3Size or queue default maxMessageBytes to S3, and retrieve it from there when message is received.
Type | boolean |
Mandatory | False |
Default | false |
if s3Fallback is set to true
, upload message to this S3 bucket.
Type | string |
Mandatory | True if s3Fallback is set to true |
if s3Fallback is true, do not delete blob on message delete.
Type | boolean |
Mandatory | False |
Default | false |
The min message size to send to S3 (in bytes) when s3Fallback is set to true
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | queue max message size |
if s3Fallback is set to true
, set this prefix to uploaded S3 blobs.
Type | string |
Mandatory | False |
Default | "" |
Delete options
The number of messages to delete at one time.
Squiss will trigger a batch delete when this limit is reached, or when deleteWaitMs
milliseconds have passed since the first queued delete, whichever comes first.
Set to 1 to make all deletes immediate.
Type | number (max 10) |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 10 |
The number of milliseconds to wait after the first queued message deletion before deleting the message(s) from SQS.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 2000 |
Polling Options
The number of milliseconds to wait between requesting batches of messages when the queue is not empty,
and the maxInFlight cap has not been hit.
For most use cases, it's better to leave this at 0 and let Squiss manage the active polling frequency
according to maxInFlight.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 0 |
The number of milliseconds to wait before requesting a batch of messages when the queue was empty in the prior request.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 0 |
The number of messages to keep "in-flight", or processing simultaneously.
When this cap is reached, no more messages will be polled until currently in-flight messages are marked as deleted or handled.
Setting this option to 0 will uncap your in flight messages,
pulling and delivering messages as long as there are messages to pull.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 100 |
The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying when Squiss's call to retrieve messages from SQS fails.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 2000 |
The number of messages to receive at one time.
Type | number (max 10 or maxInFlight) |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 10 |
The minimum number of available message slots that will initiate a call to get the next batch.
Type | number (max 10 or maxInFlight, whichever is lower) |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 1 |
The number of seconds for which to hold open the SQS call to receive messages, when no message is currently available.
It is recommended to set this high, as Squiss will re-open the receiveMessage HTTP request as soon as the last
one ends.
If this needs to be set low, consider setting activePollIntervalMs to space out calls to SQS.
Type | number (max 20) |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 20 |
Formatting Options
The format of the incoming message.
Set to "json" to automatically call JSON.parse()
on each incoming message.
Type | 'json' | 'plain' |
Mandatory | False |
Default | plain |
Set to true
to denote that Squiss should treat each message as though it comes from a queue subscribed to an
SNS endpoint, and automatically extract the message from the SNS metadata wrapper.
Type | boolean |
Mandatory | False |
Default | false |
Attributes Options
An an array of strings with attribute names (e.g. myAttribute
) to request along with the SQS.receiveMessage()
The attributes will be accessible via message.attributes.<attributeName>
Type | string[] |
Mandatory | False |
Default | ['All'] |
An an array of strings with attribute names (e.g. ApproximateReceiveCount
) to request along with
the SQS.receiveMessage()
The attributes will be accessible via message.sqsAttributes.<attributeName>
Type | string[] |
Mandatory | False |
Default | ['All'] |
Queue Create Options
Are you using Squiss to create your queue as well? Squiss will use receiveWaitTimeSecs and visibilityTimeoutSecs in the queue create options, but consider setting any of the following options to configure it further.
The number of milliseconds by which to delay the delivery of new messages into the queue by default.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 0 |
The maximum size of a single message, in bytes, that the queue can support.
Type | number |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 262144 (256KB) |
The amount of time for which to retain messages in the queue until they expire, in seconds.
Type | number (max 1209600 (14 days)) |
Mandatory | False |
Default | 345600 (4 days) |
f specified, will be set as the access policy of the queue when createQueue() is called.
See the AWS Policy documentation for more
Type | string |
Mandatory | False |
Lifecycle Methods
start(): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log(`polling started`);
Starts polling SQS for new messages. Each new message is handed off in the message event.
stop(soft?: boolean, timeout?: number): Promise<boolean>
.then(() => {
console.log(`polling stopped`);
Hold on to your hats, this one stops the polling, aborting any in-progress request for new messages.
If called with soft=true
while there's an active request for new messages, the active request will not be
aborted and the message event may still be fired up to receiveWaitTimeSecs afterward.
A Promise will be returned and resolved with true
when the queue is completely drained (all messages were handled),
or false
if a timeout
value was sent and it passed before the queue was drained.
Message Methods
sendMessage(message: Object | string, delay?: number, attributes?: IMessageAttributes): Promise<SQS.Types.SendMessageResult>
squiss.sendMessage({a:1, b:2}, undefined, {correlationId: 'my correlation id'})
.then((result) => {
console.log(`message sent with id ${result.MessageId}`);
squiss.sendMessage('my message data', 5000)
.then((result) => {
console.log(`message sent with id ${result.MessageId}`);
Sends an individual message to the configured queue, and returns a promise that resolves with AWS's official message
metadata: an object containing MessageId
, MD5OfMessageAttributes
, and MD5OfMessageBody
- The message to push to the queue. If it's a string, great! If it's an Object, Squiss will callJSON.stringify()
on it.delay
- The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before making the message available in the queue. If not specified, the queue's configured value will be used.attributes
- An optional attributes mapping to associate with the message (will be converted to SQS format automatically).
will be removed and converted to theMessageDeduplicationId
message attributes accordingly (needed for FIFO queues).
For more information, see the official AWS documentation.
sendMessages(messages: {Object | string}[] | Object | string, delay?: number, attributes?: IMessageAttributes | IMessageAttributes[]): Promise<SQS.Types.SendMessageBatchResult>
squiss.sendMessage([{a:1, b:2}], undefined, {correlationId: 'my correlation id'})
.then((result) => {
console.log(`message ${result.Successful[0].Id} sent with MessageId ${result.Successful[0].MessageId}`);
squiss.sendMessage([{a:1, b:2}, {c:3, d:4}], undefined, [{correlationId: 'my correlation id'}, {correlationId: 'my correlation id2'}])
.then((result) => {
console.log(`message ${result.Successful[0].Id} sent with MessageId ${result.Successful[0].MessageId}`);
Sends an array of any number of messages to the configured SQS queue, breaking them down into appropriate batch
requests executed in parallel (or as much as the default HTTP agent allows).
It returns a promise that resolves with a response closely aligned to the official AWS SDK's sendMessageBatch,
except the results from all batch requests are merged.
The "Id" property supplied in the response will be the index of the message in the original messages array, in string form.
- The array of messages to push to the queue. The messages should be either strings, or Objects that Squiss can pass toJSON.stringify()
- The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before making the messages available in the queue. If not specified, the queue's configured value will be used.attributes
- An optional array or single object of attributes mapping to associate with each message (will be converted to SQS format automatically).
For more information, see the official AWS documentation.
changeMessageVisibility(message: Message | string,timeoutInSeconds: number): Promise<void>
squiss.changeVisibility(message, 5000)
.then(() => {
console.log('message visibility changed');
Changes the visibility timeout of a message, given either Message object or the receipt handle string.
deleteMessage(message: Message): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('message deleted');
Deletes a Message.
It's much easier to call message.del(), but if you need to do it right from the Squiss instance, this is how.
handledMessage(message: Message): void
Informs Squiss that you got a message that you're not planning on deleting, so that Squiss can decrement the
number of "in-flight" messages.
It's good practice to delete every message you process, but this can be useful in case of error.
You can also call message.keep() on the message itself to invoke this.
releaseMessage(message: Message): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('message released');
Releases the given Message object back to the queue by setting its VisibilityTimeout
to 0
and marking the message as
handled internally. You can also call `message.release() on the message itself to invoke this.
Queue Methods
createQueue(): Promise<string>
.then((queueUrl: string) => {
console.log(`created queue ${queueUrl}`);
Creates the configured queue.
Returns a promise that resolves with the new queue's URL when it's complete.
deleteQueue(): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('queue deleted');
Deletes the configured queue, returning a promise that resolves on complete.
Squiss lets you do this, even though it makes Squiss useless. Squiss is so selfless.
purgeQueue(): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('queue purged');
Deletes all the messages in a queue and init the in flight state.
getQueueUrl(): Promise<string>
.then((queueUrl: string) => {
console.log(`queue url is ${queueUrl}`);
Returns a Promise that resolves with the URL of the configured queue, even if you only instantiated Squiss with a queueName.
The correctQueueUrl setting applies to this result, if it was set.
getQueueVisibilityTimeout(): Promise<number>
.then((visibilityTimeout: number) => {
console.log(`queue visibility timeout in seconds is ${visibilityTimeout}`);
Retrieves the VisibilityTimeout
(in seconds) set on the target queue.
When a message is received, it has this many seconds to be deleted before it will become available to be received again.
getQueueMaximumMessageSize(): Promise<number>
.then((maxSize: number) => {
console.log(`queue max message size is ${maxSize}`);
Retrieves the max message size (in bytes) set on the target queue.
Queue Events
squiss.on('drained', () => {
console.log('no more messages being handled');
Emitted when the last in-flight message has been handled, and there are no more messages currently in flight.
squiss.on('queueEmpty', () => {
console.log('no new messages');
Emitted when Squiss asks SQS for new messages, and doesn't get any.
squiss.on('maxInFlight', () => {
console.log('max in flight cap reached');
Emitted when Squiss has hit the maxInFlight cap.
At this point, Squiss won't retrieve any more messages until at least 1 messages have been handled (e.g. deleted/released/kept).
error <Error
squiss.on('error', (error: Error) => {
console.log(`squiss error ${error}`);
Emitted if any of the AWS API calls outright fail.
aborted <SQSServiceException
squiss.on('aborted', (error: SQSServiceException) => {
console.log(`failed to extend message ${error}`);
Emitted if a request for new messages was already in progress while performing a hard stop().
Message Events
squiss.on('message', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message received');
Emitted every time Squiss pulls a new message from the queue.
squiss.on('delQueued', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message queued for deletion');
Emitted when a message is queued for deletion, even if delete queuing has been turned off.
squiss.on('handled', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message was handled');
Emitted when a message is handled by any means: deleting, releasing, or calling keep().
squiss.on('released', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message released');
Emitted after release() or releaseMessage() has been called and the VisibilityTimeout
of a message
has successfully been changed to 0
The handled event will also be fired for released messages, but that will come earlier,
when the release function is initially called.
squiss.on('timeoutReached', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message timeout reached');
Emitted when a message reaches it's timeout limit, including any extensions made with the autoExtendTimeout feature.
squiss.on('extendingTimeout', (message: Message) => {
console.log('extending message timeout');
Emitted when a message VisibilityTimeout
is about to be extended with the autoExtendTimeout feature.
squiss.on('timeoutExtended', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message timeout was extended');
Emitted when a message VisibilityTimeout
was extended with the autoExtendTimeout feature.
squiss.on('keep', (message: Message) => {
console.log('message kept');
Emitted after message.keep() has been called.
This happens when the timeout extender logic has exhausted all of its tries to extend the message visibility.
gotMessages <number>
squiss.on('gotMessages', (numOfMessages: number) => {
console.log(`got ${numOfMessages} messages`);
Emitted when Squiss asks SQS for a new batch of messages, and gets some (or one).
Supplies the number of retrieved messages.
deleted <{message: Message, successId: string}
squiss.on('deleted', (deletedEvent: IMessageDeletedEventPayload) => {
console.log('message deleted');
Emitted when a message is confirmed as being successfully deleted from the queue.
The handled and delQueued events will also be fired for deleted messages, but that will come earlier,
when the delete function is initially called.
delError <{message: Message, error: BatchResultErrorEntry}
squiss.on('delError', (error: IMessageDeleteErrorEventPayload) => {
console.log(`failed to delete message ${error}`);
Emitted when the message failed to get deleted. The object handed to you in this event is the AWS failure object described in the SQS deleteMessageBatch documentation.
autoExtendFail <{message: Message, error: SQSServiceException}
squiss.on('autoExtendFail', (error: IMessageErrorEventPayload) => {
console.log(`failed to extend message ${error}`);
Emitted if autoExtendTimeout feature is enabled, and Squiss attempts to extend the message VisibilityTimeout
that has either been
deleted or otherwise expired.
autoExtendError <{message: Message, error: SQSServiceException}
squiss.on('autoExtendError', (error: IMessageErrorEventPayload) => {
console.log(`failed to extend message ${error}`);
Emitted if autoExtendTimeout feature is enabled, and Squiss failed to extend the message VisibilityTimeout
S3 Events
s3Download <{message: Message, data: {bucket: string, key: string, uploadSize: number}}
squiss.on('s3Download', (payload: IMessageS3EventPayload) => {
console.log(`downloaded s3 message ${payload.data.key}`);
Emitted if s3Fallback feature is enabled, and a message that was received downloaded its message body from S3.
s3Delete <{message: Message, data: {bucket: string, key: string, uploadSize: number}}
squiss.on('s3Delete', (payload: IMessageS3EventPayload) => {
console.log(`deleted s3 message ${payload.data.key}`);
Emitted if s3Fallback feature is enabled, and a message that was received with message body from S3 was deleted.
s3Upload <{bucket: string, key: string, uploadSize: number}
squiss.on('s3Upload', (payload: IS3Upload) => {
console.log(`uploaded s3 message ${payload.key}`);
Emitted if s3Fallback feature is enabled, and a message that was sent uploaded its body to S3.
Message Class
squiss.on('message', (message: Message) => {
console.log(`${message.body.name} says: ${JSON.stringify(message.body.message)} and has attripute p1 with value ${message.attributes.p1}`);
SQS message handler (EventEmitter
Property | Type | Description |
raw |
SQS.Message | The raw SQS message |
body |
string | Object | The parsed body of the message |
subject |
string | The SNS subject |
topicArn |
string | The SNS topic arn |
topicName |
string | The SNS topic name |
attributes |
Object | The user message attributes |
sqsAttributes |
Object | The SQS message attributes |
parse(): Promise<string | any>
.then((body) => {
Parses the message and store it in body.
If the user requested to parse the message as json, it will be stored (and returned) as such.
The main purposes of this method are:
- Unzip the message, if it was gzipped before it was sent
- Fetch the message from S3, if it was stored there before it was sent.
- Unless otherwise configured, make sure that the message will be deleted from S3 once the message is deleted
- If configured, parse the message as json.
isHandled(): boolean
console.log(`message handled? ${message.isHandled()}`);
Returns true
if the message was already handled (e.g. deleted/released/kept)
del(): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('message deleted');
Marks the message as handled and queue the message for deletion.
Returns once the message was deleted from the queue.
keep(): void
Marks the message as handled and release the message slot in Squiss (to allow another message to be fetched instead) while not performing any queue operation on it.
release(): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('message released');
Marks the message as handled and release the message back to the queue (e.g. changes the visibility timeout of the message to 0)
Returns once the message was released back to the queue.
changeVisibility(timeoutInSeconds: number): Promise<void>
.then(() => {
console.log('message visibility changed');
Changes the visibility timeout of the message
Lifecycle Events
message.on('delQueued', () => {
console.log('message queued for deletion');
Emitted when a message is queued for deletion, even if delete queuing has been turned off.
message.on('handled', () => {
console.log('message was handled');
Emitted when a message is handled by any means: deleting, releasing, or calling keep().
message.on('released', () => {
console.log('message released');
Emitted after keep() or releaseMessage() has been called and the VisibilityTimeout
of a message
has successfully been changed to 0
The handled event will also be fired for released messages, but that will come earlier,
when the release function is initially called.
message.on('keep', () => {
console.log('message kept');
Emitted after keep() has been called.
This happens when the timeout extender logic has exhausted all of its tries to extend the message visibility.
delError <BatchResultErrorEntry
message.on('delError', (error: BatchResultErrorEntry) => {
console.log(`failed to delete message ${error}`);
Emitted when the message failed to get deleted. The object handed to you in this event is the AWS failure object described in the SQS deleteMessageBatch documentation.
message.on('deleted', () => {
console.log('message deleted');
Emitted when a message is confirmed as being successfully deleted from the queue.
The handled and delQueued events will also be fired for deleted messages, but that will come earlier,
when the delete function is initially called.
Timeout Events
message.on('timeoutReached', () => {
console.log('message timeout reached');
Emitted when a message reaches it's timeout limit, including any extensions made with the autoExtendTimeout feature.
message.on('extendingTimeout', () => {
console.log('extending message timeout');
Emitted when a message VisibilityTimeout
is about to be extended with the autoExtendTimeout feature.
message.on('timeoutExtended', () => {
console.log('message timeout was extended');
Emitted when a message VisibilityTimeout
was extended with the autoExtendTimeout feature.
autoExtendFail <SQSServiceException
message.on('autoExtendFail', (error: SQSServiceException) => {
console.log(`failed to extend message ${error}`);
Emitted if autoExtendTimeout feature is enabled, and Squiss attempts to extend the message VisibilityTimeout
that has either been
deleted or otherwise expired.
autoExtendError <SQSServiceException
message.on('autoExtendError', (error: SQSServiceException) => {
console.log(`failed to extend message ${error}`);
Emitted if autoExtendTimeout feature is enabled, and Squiss failed to extend the message VisibilityTimeout
S3 Events
s3Download <{bucket: string, key: string, uploadSize: number}
message.on('s3Download', (payload: IS3Upload) => {
console.log(`downloaded s3 message ${payload.key}`);
Emitted if s3Fallback feature is enabled, and a message that was received downloaded its message body from S3.
s3Delete <{bucket: string, key: string, uploadSize: number}
message.on('s3Delete', (payload: IS3Upload) => {
console.log(`deleted s3 message ${payload.key}`);
Emitted if s3Fallback feature is enabled, and a message that was received with message body from S3 was deleted.
All support questions and issues should be submitted here
This project is a typescript port (with better performance, bug fixes and new features) of the wonderful and unmaintnaed project TomFrost/Squiss
Squiss was originally created at TechnologyAdvice in Nashville, TN.
dannyrscott | dependabot[bot] | greenkeeper[bot] | ksafranski | loris | mend-bolt-for-github[bot] |
Raiszo | regevbr | TomFrost | Ugzuzg | upugo-dev |
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- nothing yet
- Support for node 21 (#173 )
- EmptyBatchRequest when stopping and no messages (#167)
- Bumped AWS dependencies
- Changed
type to be more accurate
- Invalid receipt errors are not detected by the timeout extender (#153)
- Stopping a queue should delete all pending messages immediately (#146)
- upgrade @aws-sdk/types from 3.357.0 to 3.369.0 (#145)
- upgrade @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.359.0 to 3.362.0 (#144)
- upgrade @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.359.0 to 3.360.0 (#143)
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 (#141)
- failed start doesn't throw (#140)
- upgrade dependencies
- support for node 20 (#132)
- upgrade dependencies (#130, #131)
- Dropped support for Node versions below 16
- changed to sqs sdk v3, which breaks some configurations and types - SQS, S3, awsConfig (passing credentials is different)
- all
are nowSQSServiceException
- message attributes can't be Buffer (use Uint8Array instead)
- xml2js is vulnerable to prototype pollution #128
- Moved to aws sdk v3 #95 (also reduces the dependencies size)
- Support for node 19
- fix #125 - iltorb should not be part of the published package json
- improved compilation time (#120) thanks @Raiszo for your contribution!
- added support for node 18. Thanks @ted-pulsen for noticing and contributing :-)
- fixed semver node 6 support (#113)
- fixed windows support #110
- Stop using travis.ci as it is not free anymore #106
- Allow node 16 and test on it #105
- Consider migrating to the compression built into zlib #87
- Updated dependencies #81
- Fixed test coverage random breakage [#55(https://github.com/PruvoNet/squiss-ts/issues/55)
- Fixed usage of Buffer constructor is deprecated in Node 10 #67
- UnhandledPromiseRejection when call to SQS deleteMessageBatch rejects #50
- Publish only relevant files to npm
- Removed bad
event onMessage
- Fixed ailed parse messages is not handled #48
- Fixed codeclimate issues
- Updated npm dependencies
- Fixed failed test in node 6
- Removed map files from npm package
- Updated npm dependencies
- CI tests for node 12
- delError event on the squiss class returns the relevant message handler as well (BREAKING CHANGE)
- Fixed type safety of event handling on all classes
- Updated npm dependencies
- Moved documentation to here
- Added issue and PR templates
- Added a new logo!
- Added S3 related events #38
- Fixed documentation #31
- Added missing documentation on the timeoutReached event #24 (Thanks to UpGo for the PR)
- Added contributes list
- Added typings for all events
- Emit event on keep - #27
- deleted event payload on squiss class to also contain the message itself - #28 (BREAKING CHANGE)
- deleted event payload on Message class to contain the success id - #28 (BREAKING CHANGE)
- send autoExtendError event instead of error event on squiss class - #28 (BREAKING CHANGE)
- aborted event payload on squiss class to be the error instance - #28
- deduplicate messages in delete batches #26
Marking the library as stable after stress usage in a full blown production environment
causes error #20
- Timeout extender doesn't extend message on time #22
- Batch messaging to create batches by max of 10 messages, or by max message size #14
- Add ability to control SQS attributes returned and expose them in Message object #4
- Option to auto gzip messages to reduce message sizes #5
- Updated npm packages versions
- Add support to auto upload large messages to s3 #6 (same behaviour like amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib)
- Add support to define minimum message size to gzip when gzip feature is enabled #9
- Batch message sending to handle FIFO message attributes properly
- Message properties parser to handle boolean values properly
- Expose method to check if message was handled
- If message extended time is finished, release the message slot, mark it as handled and emit timeoutReached event
- Message is now also event emitter, and all event related to a message will also be emitted on it
- Expose SQS typings for direct usage of the underlying SQS instance without adding it as a dependency to your project
- Allow to pass
FIFO related parameters when sending a message
- Fix mocha test options
- Fix package.json to point to typing files
- Upgraded npm packages
- Upgraded linked-list version to avoid redundant typing files
- Upgraded mocha version to avoid security risks
- Support message deletion resolving with Promise
- After stop, don't pull any more messages
- Added support for customizing the requested message attributes
- Stop method now returns promise that will be resolved when queue drains or timeout passes
- Ported from TomFrost/Squiss v2.2.1 (no backward compatibility)
- Complete rewrite in typescript
- Move to the newest AWS sdk (v2.418.0)
- Improve the performance by always filling the handled messages and not waiting for an entire batch size to be fetched
- Parse the message attributes into a plain object in send and receive of messages
- Added purge queue capability
- Revised the doubly linked list to be used by an external (and lean) library
- Deleting a message now returns a promise that will be fulfilled upon success.
- Batch messaging now supports attribute map per message